I am a victim of mind control because I went AWOL from the 82nd Airborne Division

I am a victim of mind control because I went AWOL from the 82nd Airborne Division. The Federal government can remotely control people. I am being spied on by authorities who do not want me to succeed. Although some may be doing this for more personal reasons, they eventually tell people that it is because I am a “deserter.”

Technically, I am not a deserter. A soldier who goes absent from their unit is not technically a deserter. For soldiers to be deserters, they must show intent on not returning to their unit. When I went AWOL from the 82nd Airborne Division, I was in contact with my unit, and I told them where I was and that I would be returning. I also said the same thing to the criminal investigations division of the Army. I was not charged for anything when I returned to my unit.

These people doing this to me are outside of the Army. They are authorities. They can arrest people and put them through the system. I know this because a few people in law enforcement have made statements in front of me at the local gym, Gloucester County College, the Wawa in Logan Township, and the Acme in Logan Township. Also, others who are not law enforcement have made statements before me. One of those people told me of two police officers who wanted to harm me.

To summarize this article, I want to clarify that I know about their minor operation. I know that I am not a deserter and that this operation is being conducted to stop me from succeeding—in other words, to stop me from going to school and holding a higher-paying job.

Articles: 2

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